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International Congress on Ultrasonics

Kiedy: 05.09.2011 r.

Miejsce: Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki UG, Gdańsk ul. Wita Stwosza 57
Organizator: Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej UG

The International Congresses on Ultrasonics are launched as a global conference format to overcome the fragmentation of the scientific and engineering community working in the general field of ultrasonics. It is expected that the ICU will provide an excellent platform for the exchange between scientists from industry, academia, government and suppliers of ultrasound equipment.

The International Congresses on Ultrasonics are launched as a global conference format to overcome the fragmentation of the scientific and engineering community working in the general field of ultrasonics. It is expected that the ICU will provide an excellent platform for the exchange between scientists from industry, academia, government and suppliers of ultrasound equipment.

Więcej: http://icu2011.ug.edu.pl/ocs233-1/index.php/icu/icu2011

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02.07.2010 r.