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International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials

Kiedy: 13-17.07.2011 r.

Miejsce: Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Informatyki UG, Gdańsk ul. Wita Stwosza 57
Organizator: Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej UG

The IWASOM Conference is organized every few years in Gdańsk University. The First IWASOM was organized from 11-14 June 2006. The Second IWASOM was organized from 13 to 17 July 2008. The Workshop will provide an international meeting for exchange information on advanced spectral methods, physics of novel optical materials like semiconductors, dielectrics and nanomaterials, and optical devices. Scientific program will consist of tutorial-key lectures ( 45 min ), invited lectures (30 min), oral (15 min) and poster presentations. The conference language will be English.

The IWASOM Conference is organized every few years in Gdańsk University. The First IWASOM was organized from 11-14 June 2006. The Second IWASOM was organized from 13 to 17 July 2008. The Workshop will provide an international meeting for exchange information on advanced spectral methods, physics of novel optical materials like semiconductors, dielectrics and nanomaterials, and optical devices. Scientific program will consist of tutorial-key lectures ( 45 min ), invited lectures (30 min), oral (15 min) and poster presentations. The conference language will be English.

Więcej: http://iwasom3.ug.edu.pl/index.html

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ostatnia aktualizacja strony:
02.07.2010 r.